Online ISSN : 1881-3593
Print ISSN : 0451-4203
ISSN-L : 0451-4203
奈良宣言(ALT over 30)のMASLD(metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease)における臨床的意義の検証
川中 美和藤井 英樹岩城 慶大林 秀樹豊田 秀徳大枝 敏兵庫 秀幸森下 朝洋宗景 玄祐川田 一仁堤 翼澤田 康司前城 達次飛田 博史吉田 雄一内藤 雅文荒木 亜寿香新垣 伸吾川口 巧則武 秀尚小野 正文正木 勉安田 諭冨田 栄一米田 正人徳重 明央鎌田 佳宏高橋 宏和植田 真一郎相島 慎一角田 圭雄岡上 武中島 淳Japan Study Group of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease(JSG-NAFLD)
キーワード: MASLD, 奈良宣言, ALT
ジャーナル フリー

2024 年 65 巻 4 号 p. 186-191


The Nara Declaration 2023 recommends that patients with ALT levels of >30 U/L and those who have steatosis, diabetes, hypertension, and/or dyslipidemia should be referred to a hepatologist, considering the results of the FIB4 index and/or platelet count. ALT levels of >30 U/L is a simple and useful indicator and, when combined with the FIB4 index and platelet count, can detect MASLD cases that require further treatment and follow-up. Moreover, among patients with MAFLD and ALT levels of ≤30 U/L, the FIB4 index may be useful for identifying those at risk of MASLD. The Nara Declaration 2023 is an important and convenient guideline that provides primary care doctors with specific indications for referral to a hepatologist. When combined with the FIB4 index, ALT levels of >30 U/L is expected to predict high-risk MASLD cases.

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