Online ISSN : 1881-6363
Print ISSN : 0910-4461
ISSN-L : 0910-4461
西尾 謙吾柴田 陽三山口 史彦篠田 毅内藤 正俊
ジャーナル フリー

2004 年 28 巻 2 号 p. 283-286


Surgical results of a rotator cuff tear including the subscapularis tendon (SSC) tear were reported. There were twenty patients (20 shoulders),17 males and 3 females with an average age of 57.7 years old. An average follow up period was 31.2 months. In 18 patients, symptoms occurred following trauma. We divided the patients into three groups (1. SSC tear alone,2. SSC tear with supraspinatous tendon tear, and 3. SSC tear with supraspinatous and infraspinatous tendon tear) according to the extent of the rotator cuff tear. McLaughlin's procedure was performed on 18 patients. The remaining 2 patients with a massive rotator cuff tear had a patch graft performed on them. The frequency of the long head of the biceps tendon (LHB) injury, pre- and post- operative range of motion of the shoulder and the Japanese Shoulder Association scoring system (JOA score) were studied. Injuries of the LHB were observed in 17 patients. Post-operative range of motion of the shoulder and JOA score were improved from 60.4 points to 90.8 points,59.4 points to 92.4 points,57.0 pointe to 87.0 points in each group 1,2,3. These studies showed an almost satisfied clincal result, because the average age of patients was young, the duration from the onset to the surgery was relatively short and no stumps of the rotator cuff tear with degenerative change were observed.

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