Online ISSN : 1880-8719
Print ISSN : 0368-6833
ISSN-L : 0368-6833
義歯床性歯肉肥大の 3 症例について
児玉 圀昭一瀬 英輔坂梨 常太郎田縁 昭
ジャーナル フリー

1970 年 24 巻 3 号 p. 346-350


The authors experienced three cases of gingival hyperplasia caused by the margin of illfitting dentures. The patients were older women. In the first case, the mass of the gum was found on the incisal area of the upper jaw, in the second case, on the incisal area of the lower jaw and in the third case, on the molar area of the lower jaw. The masses, which consist of lobulated masses. formed one or multiple nodules in contact with the margin of dentures. We excised and removed these masses completly. Then we observed that the excised area in evry case was covered with normal oral mucosa. And finally, the patients were set with new dentures. After one year, the patients acknowledged that these was no recurrence on the same portion of gum and that the new dentures were very satsifactory. Such occurrence was predispose among older women. Histo-patholgical examination were performed on these masses. As a result, the masses in three cases were hyperplasiaof chronic productive inflammation withouttrue tumour.

© 1970 九州歯科学会
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