Online ISSN : 1880-8719
Print ISSN : 0368-6833
ISSN-L : 0368-6833
コンベックス, ストレイトおよびコンケイブタイプの側貎における E-line と下口唇の位置に関する研究
野田 修司野代 悦生吉松 史恵楠本 修己藤田 邦彦山田 建二郎
ジャーナル フリー

1993 年 47 巻 3 号 p. 377-384


Besides good occlusal relationships, most orthodontic patients also expect improvement of their lip profiles. So it is necessary for us orthodontists to be aware of these when making the treatment plan. Three standardized graphics each representing Convex, Straight and Concave types of the lateral soft tissue profile as templates were used. According to the modern sense of facial aesthetics, authors tried to interpret the relation between the E-line and the beauty of lateral soft tissue profile by evaluating the changing of the lower lip position of each template. By the survey that could be helpful in making treatment planning, following results were acquired : 1. All the subjects involving orthodontists, dental students and general persons judged that the better lower lip position for beautiful lateral profile was ranged from 0 to 6mm posterior to the E-line in the normal jaw group (type B). The range was smaller in the mandible retrusion group (type A) and further smaller in the mandible protrusion group (type C). 2. The lower lip position at 2mm posterior to the E-line was found to be the best for beautiful lateral profile in each type. 3. The most beautiful lateral profile was referred to the template of type B with the lower lip locating 2mm posterior to the E-line. 4. No significant differences were found in judgment among the subjects. It was suggested from the foregoing results that the esthetical goal would be successfully expected in the sense of orthodontics by positioning the lower lip at 2mm posterior to the E-line regardless of the jaw relation.

© 1993 九州歯科学会
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