Online ISSN : 2424-2055
Print ISSN : 1882-0271
ISSN-L : 1882-0271
日本企業の研究開発活動の組織化プロセスと90年代の組織改革にみる特徴 : 主要電機電子メーカーの事例を中心に
李 只香
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 1 巻 p. 23-34


This paper is concerned with the process of systemization of Japanese enterprise research and development activity and features of the related organization reform of the postwar modernization period. Supporting illustrations are given mainly from the major electric machinery and electronic manufacturing enterprises. Both before and after the Second World War, the importance of technology for developed countries' enterprises has been recognized. Particularly in the postwar period R & D with a strategic objective has become popular for developing countries, chiefly represented by newly industrialized economics (NIES). Further, in the latter half of the 1970s management has reconciled the importance of enterprise technology as an critical resource and responded by deliberately creating research and development (R & D) specialist departments. Japan currently is one of the Worlds' leading industrialized nations and was the first organizational authority to deal with research and development as a speciality. Originally, it was indifferent to their role and relegated R & D departments to a staff organization function. This changed naturally due to the impact of Japan's high growth economy. R & D departments gradually enlarged and established themselves as a line responsibility and specialist function. This change is typified by the major electric machinery and electronic manufacturing enterprises. This paper focuses on the systemization of R & D activity of Japan's main electric machinery and electronic makers which have been growing rapidly since the postwar era. In addition, the paper will illustrate the main characteristics of each period, examine the trends of organization reform established in the 1990s and propose possible future functional scenarios.

© 1997 日本経営学会
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