Online ISSN : 2424-2055
Print ISSN : 1882-0271
ISSN-L : 1882-0271
町田 裕彦
ジャーナル フリー

2017 年 39 巻 p. 37-49


 This research aims to indicate the possible incremental process causing radical organizational change, which existing literature has not examined, by studying the case of Yokohama city.

 Existing literature on radical organizational change is classified into two arguments. One is represented by ‘the punctuated equilibrium theory’, which is, frame-breaking change that comes at once and discontinuously, and is usually lead by executive leadership. The other is represented by a case study on the process of radical organizational change in a U.S. church. The radical organizational change emerges from incremental small change occurring unintentionally. Accumulation of these small incremental changes results in an amplification effect, and leads to radical organizational change.The latter argument, however, has two main drawbacks. The first is that ‘unintentionally’ triggered radical organizational change is unable to stipulate organizational effectiveness. The second is that this body of literature presupposes that radical organizational change occurs in minor inertia, in that the organization easily changes radically; thus, suggesting very little.

 These indications prompt a very simple question: whether or not the latter indicated process will be realized ‘intentionally’ and in ‘major inertia’. Existing literature has not examined the above-mentioned possibility.

 The case study of Yokohama city demonstrates that the latter process is realized by strong leadership with a clear intention in such major inertia that is usually observed in public organizations. In this case, a newly founded team with a mission to realize public-private partnership gradually implemented the function of ‘boundary spanner’, making way for the latter indicated process to come into operation. Finally, this process led to overall radical organizational change in Yokohama city.

 Thus, this research clarifies the mechanism that causes the latter indicated process, both intentionally and in major inertia, and rethinks the function of the leadership described in this body of literature.

© 2017 日本経営学会
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