Online ISSN : 2185-9485
Print ISSN : 0029-0270
ISSN-L : 0029-0270
増速翼列に適する翼型の研究(第1報) : 好適な翼型の理論的探求
安陪 俊一
ジャーナル フリー

1952 年 18 巻 69 号 p. 10-16


In order to obtain the profile form suitable for the blade of axial flow water turbines, a method is first stated to calculate the profile which has a given surface pressure distribution and a unmovable pressure center in a given lattice condition. The succesive approximation is applied, upon the basis of the fundamental equations of a lattice used in author's previous study, and, so far as it is concerned with the usual blade element of axial flow turbines, satisfactory results are expected to be obtained when the process of the successive approximation is repeated two or three times. For example two profiles are calculated by this method and compared respectively with Clark. Y. of the corresponding thickness ratio.

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