日本機械学会論文集 A編
Online ISSN : 1884-8338
Print ISSN : 0387-5008
アンカーのない円筒タンクのロッキングに対する耐震解析法 : 第1報,転倒モーメントによるタンク底板浮上がり変形
小林 信之石田 和雄
ジャーナル フリー

1984 年 50 巻 451 号 p. 514-519


When an earthquake hitting, the part of the bottom plate of the unanchored cylindrical tank will be lifted up from the foundation so that no resistance mechanism is existed against the uplift force caused by the overturning moment. The high stresses will be yielded in the bottom plate and the shell plate. This report concerns those problems. The calculation model was made in order to obtain the uplift resistance force, the uplift height, the reaction force from the foundation and the uplift region. In this model, the uplift region was considered as crescent shape, and the elasto-plastic, large deformation effect and the contact problem of the bottom plate was considered. From the comparison between this calculation model and the static tilt test of a thin bottom plate model tank, the calculation result was good agreement with the test.

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