日本機械学会論文集 A編
Online ISSN : 1884-8338
Print ISSN : 0387-5008
鈴木 祥加馬渡 鎮夫隆 雅久
ジャーナル フリー

1992 年 58 巻 553 号 p. 1724-1729


In spite of the importance of determining the specimen boundary in experimental stress analysis, no efficient or successful method for extraction of the boundary contour deformed under load in photoelastic image data has yet been proposed because of several difficulties both in the construction and drawing of an approximate plane curve. This paper discusses a new method for plane curve fitting by use of a plane spline function (PSF) and its automatic drawing only from a small number of selected data points, extending the well-known spline function method of one variable into a new planar spline function method of two variables. In this method, separating the boundary contour into several branches of a simple arc, an algebraic plane curve is fitted to the set of dispersed data invo1ved in each branch. Then, the boundary contour of the specimen edge is efficiently constructed and drawn on the basis of the concept of Frenet's dynamic frame.

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