日本機械学会論文集 A編
Online ISSN : 1884-8338
Print ISSN : 0387-5008
屋富祖 建樹糸数 真哉Kacou T.A.P.久保 司郎大路 清嗣
ジャーナル フリー

1993 年 59 巻 557 号 p. 43-49


In a previous paper, the present authors discussed the path-integral expression of the J-integral range, ΔJ, for short fatigue cracks emanating from notches, and showed that ΔJ evaluated based on the crack-opening level was an appropriate parameter for characterizing the near-tip stress and strain fields. In this study, finite-element simulations of fatigue crack growth from notches were conducted. The ΔJ-values evaluated by the path-integral were compared with those estimated by El Haddad's simple estimating formula proposed for short fatigue cracks at notches, and with those estimated by Dowling's formula and by Cho's formula proposed for deep cracks. The ΔJ evaluated by El Haddad's formula did not agree well with ΔJ values evaluated by the path-integral. On the contrary, ΔJ values evaluated by Dowling's formula based on the crack opening level agreed well with ΔJ values evaluated by the path-integral.

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