日本機械学会論文集 A編
Online ISSN : 1884-8338
Print ISSN : 0387-5008
等球充てん体の静圧縮 : 第2報,広範囲の荷重域における荷重-変位関係
島 聰司多々良 陽一飯尾 元秀
ジャーナル フリー

1993 年 59 巻 561 号 p. 1327-1332


Our previous paper reported that a theory presented on the basis of Hertz contact and sliding between spheres agreed well with experiments for the force-displacement relation (P<2000N) of a packing body. In this paper, the experimental results for the force-displacement relation over a large range of force, radius of spheres and depth of packing body are presented and compared with the theory proposed in the previous paper. The deformations of the packing body are limited to an elastic region and the case of loading process. As a result, it is shown that the experimental values of force are larger than the theoretical value for forces above 2000 N and larger than 3/2 power of displacement. The theory is extended to a large range of forces in consideration of the increase in the number of contacts per sphere in the loading process, and theoretical results are compared with experimental results.

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