日本機械学会論文集 A編
Online ISSN : 1884-8338
Print ISSN : 0387-5008
キャビテーション気泡崩壊圧の伝ぱ挙動と壊食量 : 三層型制振材料を用いた結果
森 啓之柴田 勝博服部 修次岡田 庸敬
ジャーナル フリー

1996 年 62 巻 600 号 p. 1820-1826


Cavitation erosion was analyzed from the propagation of stress waves in 3-layer damping materials (first layer : metal, second layer : plastic, third layer : metal). The metals used were SS400 steel, pure copper and pure aluminum. The thickness of the first layer Ti varied from 1mm to 20mm. The damping materials were exposed to vibratory cavitation. The cavitation impact load acting on the surface decreased as Ti decreased below the critical thickness Tc, which is about 3 mm irrespective of kind of metals. This is because the intensity of the compression wave is reduced by the reflected tension wave emitted from the boundary between the first layer and the damping sheet. Therefore, the critical thickness Tc also observed in terms of mass loss rate. The Tc for both impact load and mass loss rate is calculated by Tc=Δt·c/4, where Δt is the time interval of impact load and c is the longitudinal wave velocity. The mass loss rate m, when Ti is less than Tc, is given by m={1+α-4·α·Ti/(Δt·c)}2×mo, where α is the reflection coefficient between the first layer and the damping sheet, and mo is the constant mass loss rate when Ti is greater than Tc. The calculated values of Tc and m correspond well with the experimental results.

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