日本機械学会論文集 A編
Online ISSN : 1884-8338
Print ISSN : 0387-5008
守時 一奥山 栄樹
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 64 巻 621 号 p. 1415-1421


The theory of plasticity in soil has been established in such a framework that the hardening modulus h vanishes when volumetric compressive strain rate εp is zero. In general, soil shows dilatancy under relatively low pressure and h becomes negative. This is called strain softening. We have discussed the criterion of plastic instability in soil. In plastic instability the state which permits multiplicity of the solution arises. Consequently, the criterion is shown to be characterized by h=0. However, at εp=0 the plastic instability is not generally observed in practice. Furthermore, for h<0, stable deformation has been observed in many cases. Such inconsistencies exist between the theory and the observation. Next, we point out another inconsistency in the loading criterion of strain softening. The loading criterion does not clearly distinguish strain softening from unloading. For resolving these inconsistencies, it is necessary to make the expansion characteristics of the yield surface consistent with the hardening properties of soil. Then, we can exclude the phenomenon of strain softening. Such conformity of hardening characteristics in yield surface with hardening properties of soil makes it possible to develop a unified theory of plasticity in soil.

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