日本機械学会論文集 A編
Online ISSN : 1884-8338
Print ISSN : 0387-5008
小川 武史河本 洋白井 毅一
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 64 巻 623 号 p. 1826-1830


A simple method to evaluate cyclic fatigue strength in ceramics was proposed using load range, ΔP-increasing procedure and applied for silicon nitride. The proposed method enabled to obtain statistical property of cyclic fatigue strength by much less number of specimens compared to that required in the conventional procedure of statistical fatigue tests. The ΔP-increasing condition was expressed by initial value of maximum stress, σmax, 1, and increasing rate of maximum stress, dσmax/dN. These parameters influenced the maximum stress at failure, σmax, f, which could be approximated by two-parameter Weibull distribution. P-S-N curve was estimated by two Weibull distributions under different ΔP-increasing conditions based on the assumption of crack growth law and of linear cumulative damage law. The estimated P-S-N curves were independent of the assumptions and agreed with the experimental data obtained under ΔP-constant condition at the higher stress level, while it was conservative under lower stress level.

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