日本機械学会論文集 A編
Online ISSN : 1884-8338
Print ISSN : 0387-5008
国産普通・小型乗用車の車体軽量化における適用材料の研究 : 第2報, 包絡解析法による次世代車体への適用材料の研究
栗原 雄毅荒川 雅生萩原 一郎
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 65 巻 637 号 p. 1888-1895


In case of the substantial weight reduction of a passenger car, it is inevitable to reduce the weight of its body structure to a great extent. As the body structure has been rationalized by using computer alded engineering to a considerable extent, it will be necessary to switch the body material from steel to lightweight material. Aluminum, a typical one of the lightweight materials, having been said most suitable alternative, it hasn't been recognized to be one because of its economics. In this paper ; we show numerically that partial aluminumization of the steel body to 2% extent of the proposed vehicle weight is superior to steel one in customer satisfactory efficiency through the extensive use of Data Envelopment Analysis.

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