日本機械学会論文集 A編
Online ISSN : 1884-8338
Print ISSN : 0387-5008
黒沢 亮前崎 渉沢 俊行
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 73 巻 727 号 p. 352-359


The contact gasket stress distribution of a non-circular box-shape flange connection with a compressed sheet gasket subjected to internal pressure was analyzed taking account a hysteresis of the gasket using finite element method (FEM). Leakage tests were also conducted using an actual non-circular box-shape flange connection with a compressed sheet gasket under internal pressure. By using the contact gasket stress distributions and the results of the leakage tests, the new gasket constants were calculated. The difference in the new gasket constants was substantial between the values obtained from the present study and those from the PVRC procedure. In addition, a method to determine the initial clamping bolt force (bolt preload) for a given tightness parameter was demonstrated. It was found that a higher bolt preload was needed for a given tightness parameter in the more safety design of box-shape flange connections.

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