Online ISSN : 1884-8346
ISSN-L : 1884-8346
今林 正剛齋藤 潔
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 79 巻 801 号 p. 814-818


These days, there are a lot of environmental problems which we should solve, so we must use renewable energy. One of the renewable energy is solar energy. The amount of solar energy is infinite. In addition, solar energy is no risk of environmental pollution when we use. Though, solar irradiation depends on climates so it is unstable energy source. So, we should simulate efficient plan and control. For this reason, we aim at constructing high precision mathematical model. In this note, we have constructed mathematical model of flat plate solar collector and evacuated glass tube solar collector. In addition, we have made an experiment about solar collector and validated mathematical model. In conclusion, when the angle of incidence is low, the efficiency of evacuated glass tube solar collector is better than that of flat plate solar collector. And the result of mathematical model equated with the result of the experiment.

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