日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
二次元祖滑面非対称管内流の弛緩 : 第1報,平均速度場の特性
富田 勝文石田 徳保加藤 宏之中村 育雄
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 52 巻 478 号 p. 2382-2389


Experiments have been conducted in the 7m channel where one of the walls in the upstream half was roughened and all the remaining parts were left smooth, providing a fully developed asymmetric flow at the midsection and a fully developed symmetric flow at the channel exit. Extensive measurement of the mean velocity, Reynolds normal and shear stresses made downstream of the step change in wall roughness indicate that the readjustment to a symmetric flow requires a streamwise distance of 50 times the channel height 2h; whereas the evaluation of the momentum equation shows that for x/h6gt;20 the pressure gradient balances practically with the wall shear stress. It is found also that the adjustment process is quite different between the rough to smooth and the smooth to smooth sides. Non-monotonical adjustment is essential only in the rough to smooth side.

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