日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
サボニウス風車周りの流れ場と出力機構に関する研究 : スモークワイヤ法による可視化観察
藤沢 延行白井 紘行齋川 雄司
ジャーナル フリー

1987 年 53 巻 496 号 p. 3716-3721


Unsteady flow fields around a Savonius rotor and its power mechanism are studied by a flow visualization experiment for various rotor angles and tip-speed ratios. For small tip-speed ratios, the rotor receives a corotating torque mainly due to the difference of the drag on both the blades. As the tip-speed ratio increases, a Coanda-like flow pattern is formed on the convex side of an advancing blade, and the corotaing torque is expected by the induced lift, though the torque due to the difference of the drag decreases. The power performance of a Savonius rotor can be explained reasonably by the flow visualization results.

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