日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
超音波による膜沸騰伝熱の促進 : 第1報,白金細線を用いての一般的挙動に関する実験
飯田 嘉宏筒井 健太郎
ジャーナル フリー

1989 年 55 巻 509 号 p. 194-199


The effect of ultrasonic wave application on film boiling heat transfer is investigated. A series of heat-transfer experiments are carried out using a fine heater made of a 0.20-mm-dia. horizontal platinum wire, which is immersed in saturated ethyl alcohol and exposed to a 28 kHz ultrasonic wave. The heat-transfer coefficient increases with the increase of power supplied to a ferrite-type vibrator and it is doubled for the maximum in this experimental condition. The minimum heat-flux point is also improved. At a lower degree of superheat than the MHF line, nucleate boiling and film boiling coexist separately along the platinum wire with a high reproducibility. The film boiling configuration is also observed through photograpty. Under a high intensity of ultrasonic wave, many tiny bubbled begin to generate and the shapes of large bubble becomes rather irregular.

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