日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
磁性流体を用いた進行波動壁形推進機構 : 第1報,流体輸送に関する実験
田中 皓一村島 守
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 56 巻 523 号 p. 660-665


A new mechanism is constructed to transport fluids by means of a progressive wavy motion of two elastic plane membranes which face each other and cover two magnetic fluid layers adjacent to both side walls in a long duct of rectangular cross section. A steady fluid flow can be induced in an inner stratum which is formed between two opposite membranes. Wavy motions of membranes (the peristaltic motion) are excited by the external magnetic field in the form of sinusoidal waves propagated along a train of electromagnets which is arranged linearly along the axis of the duct and driven by a digital electronic pulse-width-modulation circuit and a DC power supply. As a result of examinations of fundamental characteristics of intensity of the propagating magnetic field, wavy motions generated on the membranes, and flow velocity and pressure induced dynamically, the mechanism proposed here exhibits very interesting the excellent performance to be useful in the practical electromagnetopropulsion and/or fluid transportation systems.

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