日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
渦流室式ディーゼル機関の低温時特性 : 軸トルク特性に関する検討
山田 貴延常本 秀幸石谷 博美
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 56 巻 525 号 p. 1546-1551


The acceleration performance of a diesel engine usually becomes worse after a cold start, especially in intensely cold weather. Many researchers have touched on startability problems, however, the acceleration problems have not been analyzed in detail. This paper shows the output characteristics of a swirl chamber diesel engine in the cold state. The performance was evaluated by the output torque. As the soak temperature decreased to under -20O°C, the output torque deteriorated to 60-80% of that under the warmed-up condition. When the engine speed decreased, the torque decreased compared to that in the warmed-up condition. In this case, the combtlstibility hardly influenced the output performance. On the other hand, the mechanical loss accounted for 60-70% of total torque deterioration. The glow plug system also reduced the output torque, and this Suggests that electrical load cannot be ignored in cold engine operation.

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