日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
下面加熱の水平長方形管内複合対流中のベナード渦の生成制御に関する研究 : 物質伝達の実験
小泉 博義細川 巖
ジャーナル フリー

1994 年 60 巻 570 号 p. 560-565


This research aims at controlling the convective flow of a horizontal rectangular duct heated from below by properly setting the sidewall temperature profile, to provide a uniform spatial thickness distribution of the film deposited in a thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactor. The experiment is performed using the naphthalene sublimation technique, which deals with the inverse phenomenon to deposition, at a Rayleigh number of about 3.4×105 and Reynolds numbers below 220. In the case of an unsteady flow with time-averaged horizontally uniform temperature, the time-averaged mass transfer rate on the bottom wall becomes almost uniform both in the spanwise and streamwise directions.

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