日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
親川 兼勇川門 義治瀬名波 出屋我 実馬渕 幾夫
ジャーナル フリー

1996 年 62 巻 598 号 p. 2384-2390


The characteristics of heat transfer and pressure distributions were measured by varying the clearances against the duct wall and the separations of the two thin plates for various arrangements of the thin plates which were oscillated by a flow in a parallel plate duct, with a view to enhancing the heat transfer along the duct. The maximum and mean Nusselt numbers have a Reynolds number dependence of Re0.8, and were 2.3 and l.6 times those in the fully developed turbulent flow, respectively, for air with Reynolds number ranging from 9000 to 37500. A relatively new technique, i.e., full field infrared imaging, was used to obtain the time and spatial temperature profiles on the wall surface. Contours of the isotherm of the infrared images correspond well to the heat transfer characteristics and flow behavior.

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