日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
太陽エネルギー利用のための分光日射量の測定と整理 : 第3報, 波長域別全天日射量に及ぼす大気諸因子の影響
馬場 弘金山 公夫遠藤 登金澤 浩志
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 63 巻 609 号 p. 1777-1782


Under the condition of hemispherical incidence, a spectral-global pyranometer with a cutoff filter is used to measure the spectral property of insolation. In order to investigate the property classified into wavelength ranges covered by this means, I (λC) and H (λC) of radiation energy ranged over the cutoff wavelength were made from the measurements and the calculations by applying Bird's model which designated the spectral property of insolation. Then the ratios of those to global insolations IT and HT, R1C) and RHC), were determined, and, based on the resluts, the influence of solar altitude, precipitable water, atmospheric turbidity and albedo on those ratios was examined. Consequently, it was clarified that those factors had good influence on I (λC) and H (λC), and a negligible influence on R1C) and RHC).

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