日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
岡本 史紀角田 和巳岡田 栄治藤田 淳一
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 63 巻 613 号 p. 2923-2929


We describe an experimental study on the process involved in the disappearance of arch vortices shed from a circular cylinder of finite length, and the accompanying changes in the turbulent near wake, as a function of the aspect ratio of a circular cylinder. The experiment was carried out in a circuit-type wind tunnel having a 200 mm×200 mm working section of 2000 mm length at the Reynolds number Re of 9200. The time-mean velocity and turbulence intensities were measured by use of a laser Doppler velocimeter. Vortex formation was observed by flow visualization in a water channel at Re=4600. Consequently. details of the flow pattern in the turbulent near wake behind a circular cylinder were revealed, including information on shedding arch vortices.

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