日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
磁性流体を用いたエネルギー変換装置における流動特性と効率に及ぼす粒子の凝集の影響〔流体工学, 流体機械〕
島田 邦雄岩渕 牧男神山 新一奥井 健一
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 63 巻 614 号 p. 3310-3317


Using an energy conversion device with a magnetic fluid susceptible to temperature in a nonuniform magnetic field, the effects of particle aggregation in the magnetic fluid on the flow characteristics and effciency of the device are investigated experimentally and theoretically. The experimental data showing the effects of the strength and direction of the magnetic field and temperature difference on pressure difference and efficiency are compared. These experimental data are compared with the theoretical results by taking into account the particle aggregation, assuming one-dimensional flow. By estimating not only the magnetic pressure but also the hydrodynamic drag deu to the increment of apparent viscosity by applying the magnetic fields to the device, the effects of the aggregation on the flow characteristics and efficiency are elucidated.

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