日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
急速圧縮装置を用いた希薄予混合気中におけるディーゼル噴霧の着火および燃焼に関する研究 : プロパン・空気予混合気の低温酸化反応の影響
李 津夏長谷川 亮飯田 訓正
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 65 巻 638 号 p. 3509-3516


To achieve both low emission and high efficiency in an internal combustion engine, hybrid combustion engine is considered useful by of lean premixed combustion. The aim of this new system engine is both utilizing certain ignition and to shorten combustion period of lean premixed gas by diesel spray which provides multi ignition point. In this study, compression ignition characteristics of propane-air mixture is surveyed, while possibility of simultaneous reduction of both NOx and Soot is fumbled using this engine. As the way of possibility, diesel spray is formed in each reaction processes: before low temperature reaction, during high temperature reaction, after combustion end of propane-air mixture effect of reaction processes of the mixture on diesel spray combustion is surveyed.

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