日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
非平衡プラズマと化学反応プロセスを併用したNOχの完全除去技術 : (従来型およびバリア型プラズマリアクターの性能比較)
山本 俊昭大久保 雅章早川 邦洋北浦 浩一
ジャーナル フリー

2000 年 66 巻 646 号 p. 1501-1506


Previous results have shown that the plasma-combined with chemical process was effective for the control of NOχ flue gas emissions. However, we could not quantify the reaction byproducts such as N2O, CO, CO2, HNO3 and No3 -. In the present stdy, two types of the plasma reactors, the ordinary ferroelectric packed-bed plasma reactor and the barrier type packed-bed plasma reactor, were evaluated with regard to reaction products nad NOχ removal efficiency. The ordinary ferroelectric packed-bed plasma reactor showed poor NOχ conversion and produced a large amount of reaction byproducts. On the other hand, the barrier-type packed-bed plasma reactor followed by the chemical reactor showed a superior results : nearly 100% NO χ decomposition with both less than 6ppm of N2O and CO. The total operating cost becomes $2300/ton, which is at least 1/10 times more economical compared to the conventional NOχ control technologies.

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