日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
第1報, 固定系からの縦渦流出
加藤 直人小出 瑞康高橋 勉白樫 正高
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 73 巻 728 号 p. 957-964


The specific aim of this work is to develop a new technique to control the vibration of a circular cylinder by utilizing the effect of downstream cylindrical body in cruciform arrangement. In this work, a strip-plate with a width w equal to or smaller than the cylinder diameter d is selected as the downstream body. In this report, results of observation of flow visualization in water tunnel and measurements in wind tunnel for fixed systems are presented. The two longitudinal vortices, the trailing and the necklace vortices which were found to induce vibrations of the upstream cylinder in the cruciform two-circular system, are observed around the crossing of the circular-cylinder/stripplate system. Either of the two longitudinal vortices is observed to shed periodically when w/d is 0.50 or 0.62, depending on the gap-to-diameter ratio s/d. While, periodic shedding of the necklace vortex is not observed when 0.75?s/d?1.0.

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