Online ISSN : 1884-8354
ISSN-L : 1884-8354
竹内 彰敏
ジャーナル フリー

2011 年 77 巻 775 号 p. 1133-1142


In order to support a load, conventional bearings have geometrical wedge which produces the squeeze effect to generate the pressure. In this study, a porous flat thrust bearing with partial non-porous parts (Land) filled by a cyanoacrylate is developed. The bearing effect of this bearing is achieved only by alternate layout of porous surface and non-porous surface. And the pressure is generated to compensate the discontinuous shear flow rate at the interface of porous part (slippery part) and non-porous part (free from slip flow). Therefore, this structure enables the flat thrust bearing that has no geometrical wedge such as conventional bearings. This bearing has considerably lower friction coefficient than porous surface over a wide range of bearing characteristic number. Especially, eight land thrust bearing achieves the lowest friction coefficient of 0.02 which is 4% of that of fine test piece and the friction surface is almost free from the wear. These results suggest a potential of which porous thrust bearing having some filled parts functions well with a low friction coefficient.

© 2011 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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