日本機械学会論文集 C編
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
クーロン摩擦をともなう振動系の解析 : 第3報, 自励振動の防振
吉武 裕末岡 淳男田村 英之
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 56 巻 523 号 p. 568-573


This paper deals with a self-excited vibrating system with a dynamic damper accompanied by Coulomb's friction. The direct numerical integral method presented in the previous reports is improved to reduce the calculation time and is applied to the analysis of the self-excited system subjected to Coulomb's friction with discontinuity. By using the solutions obtained from the direct numerical integral method and the averaging method, an optimum approach for quenching of the self-excited vibration is discussed. Moreover, it turns out from the methods that a small beat vibration accompanying the stick-slip occurs when the vibration amplitude of the self-excited system is minimized, and the resulting waveform with beat contains many frequency components from the frequency analysis.

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