日本機械学会論文集 C編
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
藤野 輝興
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 56 巻 527 号 p. 1805-1811


Since Present NC machines invariably use proportional control, there is a large time lag intrinsic to this control. Consequently, in the state of simultaneous plural-axes control, a locus-error proportional to the movement speed inevitably results. Since this servo lag error is dependent on proportional gain and acceleration/deceleration time constants after interpolation and machine rigidity this system parameter adjusts for each machine in advance and interpolates the NC data that are input while always making optimum gain-compensation and phase-compensation on the said NC data. This has completely eliminated the servo lag error which had been resulted from the high-speed process. For example, when this system is combined with machining center HA-5VA, it can move on a steep curve up to R5mm with the tool center locus at a tangent speed of 6m/min without any servo lag error. In addition, as a result of incorporating the above compensatory method, this system identifies the acceleration/deceleration of the response output with high precision. This allows the system to perform automatic acceleration/deceleration without any redundancy, using 100 % of the servo actuater's power.

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