日本機械学会論文集 C編
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
岡村 宗彰朝倉 俊行段野 勝
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 56 巻 531 号 p. 2932-2936


This paper discusses the potential use of an on-line computer aid for the trajectory monitoring of a robot manipulator. When the workspace is in full of unendurable state for worker, such as, for example, a nuclear power plant, a manipulator needs remote-control and an operator can watch its movement only from a fixed viewpoint like a small window. Accordingly, it is needed to monitor the movement of a manipulator from an arbitrary position. For Rhino robot which is training system for robot technicians, a method which monitors the figure and the trajectory of a manipulator, is proposed. Through an experiment, the effectiveness of the Rhino-aid monitoring system is evaluated. Furthermore, it is ascertained that this method isn't effective only for the operation of a manipulator, but also trajectory planning, since this system can check errors of a real trajectory from a desired one at anytime.

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