日本機械学会論文集 C編
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
接触面の非線形動力学的解析と精密心出し作業への応用 : 第1報, 摩擦力モデルの構築
西脇 眞二吉村 允孝人見 勝人
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 56 巻 531 号 p. 3095-3102


The centering operation which accurately sets a workpiece in a required position is important for precise manufacturing. However, this operation is usually conducted by the operator on the basis of his experience and has not yet been well automated. The relationship between an impact force applied on a workpiece and the dynamic displacement behavior of the workpiece is clarified in this paper as fundamental research for realizing automatic centering operations of workpieces. First, a frictional force model is constructed by considering nonlinear characteristics of the frictional force. Then, the dynamic frictional characteristics of workpieces on the contact surfaces are clarified using the numerical analyses of workpiece models with the frictional force model. The proposed frictional force model is proved to be appropriate for simulating the actual behaviors of workpieces by comparing the simulated results with the measured results with experimental equipment.

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