日本機械学会論文集 C編
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
CDQ排熱回収設備の効率向上に関する研究 : 第1報,CDQ本体の動特性について
菅野 直紀谷垣 武史河合 素直伊藤 雅浩原川 哲美田原 年英片平 英裕
ジャーナル フリー

1994 年 60 巻 577 号 p. 3076-3080


CDQ (cokes dry quenching system) is a waste heat recovery system that recovers waste heat from hot cokes with circulating gas and that generates high-pressure steam. In heat recovery systems, it is very important to operate the system with maximum efficiency. In CDQ, the flow rate of circulating gas must be manipulated to obtain maximum flow rate of steam. For this purpose, the dynamic model of this system is necessary. In this system, a temperature distribution within the each coke exists, because the diameter of the coke is relatively large and value of thermal conductivity is small. In this report, we investigated the dynamic characteristics of the system, taking account of the heat conduction effect within the each coke. The validity of this model is confirmed by comparing the calculated result with operation data. Next, we show that dynamic characteristics depend on three nondimensional parameters, namely, Biot number, NTU and Cr number. In the next roport, we will establish the optimum operation method using this model.

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