日本機械学会論文集 C編
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
スキル音発生時のブレーキアッセンブリーの振動特性 : バックプレートの進行波的振動の実験と理論的考察
佐藤 高平原 文雌渡辺 昌宏
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 64 巻 621 号 p. 1485-1493


This paper deals with experimental and theoretical analysis with respect to vibration mode characteristics of brake a'ssy of a drum brake at squeal noise generation. Using experimental timehistory mode analysis, the vibration mode of backing plate (B/P) at squeal generation is found to be 3rd circumferential progressive-wave type vibration mode. In the impact vibration testing of the drum brake a'ssy on bench test we find the similar 3rd circumferential vibration modes with 90 degrees phase shift. A theoretical vibration model including B/P modeled as the circular plate is proposed. Complex-eigenvalue analysis of the vibration model shows a 3rd circumferential progressive-wave type mode in the B/P vibration when the friction becomes larger than a critical value.

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