日本機械学会論文集 C編
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
高所作業車のモデリングと振動制御に関する研究 : 第1報, 起伏動作の場合
内原 勇小西 克信浮田 浩行小林 弘之
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 64 巻 625 号 p. 3405-3413


Recently, many robotized manipulator systems for live line maintenance work are used to avoid the risk of electrical shock, the danger of falling from a high place, the requirement of heavy labor and so on. In order to improve the working efficiency of the system, this paper presents a scheme to actively control the vertical vibration caused by the disturbance forces or the quick change of the derticking angie, where the actuator is a small planger attached to the derricking cylinder, and the vibration sensor is a strain gauge pasted on the boom. Simulations show that the 1st mode vibration is suppressed sufficiently by the proposed method without exciting higher modes' vibration. Detailed mathematical model of the aerial vehicle, its vibration characteristics, detection method of the 1st mode displacement from the output signal of strain gauge, and the controller design based on the lagelement and the disturbance observer are described.

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