日本機械学会論文集 C編
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
宗澤 良臣大崎 紘一梶原 康博石川 雅朗田中 善之助押谷 潤
ジャーナル フリー

2002 年 68 巻 666 号 p. 700-707

We are developing the disassembling method considering the elementary composition ratio. However, the elementary composition ratio of any products and parts is not indicated, so that these information are not used in the disassembling system. Therefore, we proposed the estimation method of element composition of part by the X-ray fluorescence analysis equipment. (1) The elementary composition ratio of material is estimated based on the image measured by the X-ray fluorescence analysis equipment and image processing. (2) The elementary composition of basic component part (an electronic condenser, an integrated circuit and so on) is stored to the parts database in order to estimate the disassembling product. (3) All basic component part in the product are specified by image processing technique, and its elementary composition are estimated roughly based on its size and elementary composition by using the parts database.
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