日本機械学会論文集 C編
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
内山 寛信倉田 純一村上 佳広花田 敦
ジャーナル フリー

2002 年 68 巻 676 号 p. 3582-3588


New type of regenerative water heater has been developing, which employs the mid-night electric power to heat up the boiler water. One of the advantages of this type could boil the fresh water through the heat exchanger at every use. Although the structure of this type could be more durable and profitable to keep the sanitation clear than the ordinary type, the high level of noise has occurred when the low temperature boiler water has been heated up. The noise reducing method, which makes use of the control to adjust the degree of subcooling sectionally, is described in this paper. The proposed method works to adjust the water temperature inside of the small auxiliary cover located around the heater. From the experimental results, it could be confirmed that the proposed method could be an efficient method to reduce the noise source directly without destroying the thermal response of water heater and that the equivalent noise level was decreased about 20 dB by adjusting the degree of subcooling within the optimal range.

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