日本機械学会論文集 C編
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
岡本 紀明飯塚 晃平高田 宏樹針谷 利幸今井 亨
ジャーナル フリー

2006 年 72 巻 722 号 p. 3264-3271


The final goal of this study is to construct safety structures for medical and human-car robots and moving equipments. This paper proposes a concept of the smart structure applied to them that has an ideal load-deflection curve for the safety design. An experimental study on the denting and bending of aluminum skin tubular beams and ways to control the load-deflection curves with various reinforcements and triggers was carried out as the first step of the goal. Experimental results on simply supported tubes show that a simple skin model for low load design and a double skin model for high load design have each ideal structural property considering from a viewpoint of high initial rigidity, peak-load control, high buffer efficiency and configuration reversibility. One of three kinds of reinforced skin tubes that are able to construct the ideal load-deflection curve with a ring-shaped trigger is proposed to be of most practical use for cantilever models.

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