日本機械学会論文集 C編
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
佐藤 拓史滑川 徹
ジャーナル フリー

2009 年 75 巻 752 号 p. 882-889


This paper deals with robust stabilization of running self-sustaining two-wheeled vehicle with varying running speed and mass variations. Recently, there have been a lot of research results about stabilization of two-wheeled vehicle. These researches have achieved the stable running only by the steering control. However, an actual two-wheeled vehicle is stabilized by not only the steering control, but the control of a vehicle's center of gravity. We have proposed the stabilization control method of two-wheeled vehicle in the state of stillness, and have shown the effectiveness of proposed approach. In this research, we construct the control system for the running stabilization of two-wheeled vehicle. H_∞ control problem is used to design the controller to achieve running stability even if the running speed and the mass of two-wheeled vehicle would change. The experimental results show effectiveness of proposed approach for robustness.

© 2009 社団法人日本機械学会
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