Online ISSN : 2432-1508
Print ISSN : 0387-3412
ISSN-L : 0387-3412
浅井 万優
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 118 巻 p. 15-27


Fukenroku is a travelogue written in Sino-Japanese by the late Tokugawa-period Confucianist, Rai Shunsui about his experiences when traveling in eastern Japan in Meiwa 7 (1770).
In Fukenroku, Shunsui aimed to distance himself from the writing style of Sorai-school travelogues, and to describe the customs and scenes of his travel destinations in detail. The models used for that were Ru shu ji by Lu You, and Wu chuan lu by Fan Cheng da.
Shunsui’s learning reached various levels, from writing manner to detailed expression, yet symbolic is his ingestion of vocabulary from Chinese travel records. In the manuscripts of Fukenroku written by Shunsui in the Shunpūkan collection, there are excerpts that can be identified from the Chinese travel records that he used as reference when writing. They also include excerpts from works of the Eight Masters of the Tang and Song, and the Ming-dynasty Ancient Phraseology School, however there are overwhelmingly more from Ru shu ji and Wu chuan lu, suggesting that Shunsui collected vocabulary mainly from Southern Song travel records, applying them to the Japanese landscape as he composed.
In its ability to specifically indicate movements against the Sorai School, Fukenroku has a great significance in the history of Kanbun studies.

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