Online ISSN : 1883-6135
Print ISSN : 0023-1908
ISSN-L : 0023-1908
肝癌患者に対する Lipiodol-Cisplatin suspension動注療法後の Cisplatin 肝内及び血中動態
大隅 雅夫飯島 俊秀小板橋 宏茂木 政彦塩島 正之長町 幸雄
ジャーナル フリー

1989 年 39 巻 4 号 p. 517-521


Seventeen patients with liver cancer were treated with the method of infusion of Lipiodol-Cisplatin (LPD-CDDP) suspension. Serum concentration of CDDP were analyzed with atomic absorption spectrometry in 16 patients. Tissue concentrations of CDDP were measured in two patients.
Plasma levels of CDDP decreased in a biexponential manner, the half-life of the first phase was as long as in intravenous one-shot injection therapy, and also LPD-CDDP sandwich therapy. On the other hand the half-life of the late phase was longer than those. Tumor tissue level of CDDP was the same an normal liver tissues in one patient, but in the other patient the tumor tissue level of CDDP was higher than in normal tissue. These depositions of LPD in CT findings present the tissue concentration of CDDP. It was clinically confirmed that CDDP passes gradually into the systemic circulation after hepatic intra-arterial injection of the LPD-CDDP suspension.

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