Spring meeting of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects, 2002 (in Asia Pacific Maritime Congress-90th Anniversary of KSNAJ)

Automatic and Continuous Measurement of Nutrient at Coastal Field
新井 励中谷 直樹奥野 武俊
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 25


Some of the environmental factors such as dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, turbidity and so on can be measured by electric sensor recently. It enables to measure these continually and automatically. This kind measurement is very important for monitoring of the environment of coastal area. However, since it is difficult to measure the chemical parameter continuously because of its reaction time, the so-called batch type analysis has to be employed. In order to monitor the nutrient in ocean, the measurement of dissolved nitrogen is most important because it is useful for understanding a particular behavior of the phytoplankton as the primary production. In this paper, the method of absorption rate measurement of processed water by the visible ray is described. The water is drawn through pipe by a tube pump and processed with a reagent. After the chemical reaction through mixing coil, the absorption rate is measured by electric sensor continuously. The effectiveness of the present method is shown in the field measurement in Osaka Bay.

© The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers 2002
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