Spring meeting of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects, 2002 (in Asia Pacific Maritime Congress-90th Anniversary of KSNAJ)

Environmental Characteristics of Osaka Bay
—Multivariate Analysis Using Long-Term Measured Data—
寺田 芙美中谷 直樹奥野 武俊
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 26


This paper shows the result of analysis using a number of data which have been investigated by the Osaka-Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station for long years. The temporal and spatial characteristics of the environment of Osaka Bay are clarified by multivariate analysis technique. The results show that phytoplankton and nutrient are principally important of course, and the features of the water quality are different depending on location. The seasonal change is also shown that the phytoplankton increases from spring to autumn, and nutrient increases from autumn to winter. The degree of the seasonal change in the recesses of the bay is very larger than that in the mouth of the bay. Furthermore, the results of water density clarify the spatial-temporal characteristic of water body in Osaka bay.

© The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers 2002