Online ISSN : 1884-1783
Print ISSN : 0387-3153
田浦 武雄
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 1986 巻 54 号 p. 1-14


The purpose of this paper is to examine and to clarify desirable human relations in education from the viewpoint of educational anthropology. I believe that 'man-inculture' is an important key concept in this connection.
The paper is composed of the following five chapters :
I. Educational human relations in terms of two orientations.
The two orientations are the cultural and the existential orientations. It can be said that the concept of 'man-in-culture' involves these two orientations.
II. Educational human relations and cultural orientation.
(1) The concept of cultural orientation ;
(2) Cultural orientation and social-structural conditions.
This section focuses on group orientation as cultural orientation in Japan.
III. Cultural orientation and the curriculum.
This chapter deals with the hidden curriculum.
IV. Educational human relations and existential orientation.
V. Conclusion.
I propose the following two important points in order to establish desirable human relations in education :
(1) Attention must be paid to the hidden curriculum so that it can fulfil its positive function on human relations.
(2) The educational ethos is stressed and the necessity of building up humanizing education from the standpoint of existential orientation.

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