Online ISSN : 1884-0035
Print ISSN : 0385-6410
ISSN-L : 0385-6410
ジャガイモ青枯病に関する研究 第4報 土壌消毒および品種,植付時期の選択による総合防除
片山 克己木村 貞夫沢畑 秀
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 32 巻 p. 20-23


Integrated control of bacterial wilt of potatoes was successfully achieved in the fall cropping in Nagasaki, Japan. Three methods were combined; soil fumigation by application of chloropicrin, use of the relatively resistant cultivar Meihou, and late planting to aviod higher temperatures in the planting season. The incidence of bacterial wilt in Meihou which was planted in mid-September after fumigation of chlorpicrin at a dose of 20 l /10a was lower than that of the susceptible cultivar, Dejima planted in early September after fumigation of chlorpicrin at a dose of 30 l /10a. It appears that integrated control enabled to reduce the dosage of chlorpicrin from 30 l /10a to 20 l /10a in severely infested fields.

© 九州病害虫研究会
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