Online ISSN : 2185-0941
Print ISSN : 0915-9428
ISSN-L : 0915-9428
―入学期と中学年におけるInformation Gap Activityの実践を通して―
眞﨑 克彦佐藤 祐里子星原 光江松延 亜紀井狩 幸男泉 惠美子
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 21 巻 p. 75-99


This study aims to verify the effects of Information Gap Activities on children learning English at the kindergarten or elementary school levels. Seven preschoolers on the verge of entering elementary school and two students in the third grade took part in this research as participants. To test how the activities fostered interaction in the classrooms, coloring activities were introduced to the preschoolers and picture-placement activities to the third graders. The participants' performances were videotaped and observed, and their negotiations were examined by counting and analyzing the number of communication strategies used by the participants. The results from analyses show that, if taught appropriately, and the students were accustomed to using them, the participants learned proactively and used the strategies successfully. Moreover, findings from the study conclude communication strategies should be taught deliberately as learners who have such strategies are able to interact more actively.

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