In this study, we developed a telemonitoring system of water supplier to estimation of water intake for health care. This system consists of a automatic water supply measurement system and a remote monitoring system. The automatic water supply measurement system has a thermos bottle, a electric balance and a computer. Subject can drink water from the thermos bottle using his/her cup/glass that subject is used to in daily life. The remote monitoring system consists of a computer and WWW browser. Neither new device nor special procedure is not required for monitoring. We estimated water intake of an elderly diabetic inpatient for three days by using this system. The automatic water supply measurement system set up at a position where the subject could reach it from the bed, because the subject needed assistance for walking. Data was monitored from nurse's station . We obtained the tendency that the volume of water supply increase after awaking and meals. Our results suggested that this system easily provide information of water intake pattern. Moreover, this system was easy to use for both of subject and observers. There is a possibility that this system will not only save nursing time, but also improve clinical care.